
Dams & Levees Trevi spa
Since many years TREVI, worldwide leader in dam construction and rehabilitation, has been committed to enhancing a crucial asset for mankind, that is water...
Marine Works Trevi spa
TREVI can provide comprehensive solutions including special foundation works and shore protection, off-shore excavations and dredging, reinforced concrete civil and structural work...
Global leader in bridges & causeways foundations construction
Industrial & Civil Buildings Trevi spa
In civil engineering, foundations are troublesome and, at the same time, crucial to a project’s success. Construction in urban, industrial and residential fields is booming and challenges...
Ground & Underground Transportation Trevi spa
Designing, constructing and managing efficient, safe and sustainable mobility on the territory is crucial to the life quality of citizens and to the economic development of countries.
Environmental Solutions Trevi spa
Environment protection being a major issue for modern world
Special Projects Trevi spa
Some projects become symbols. It is in these unique works, in these traces of the past that speak of the future, that the TREVI Group offers its own expertise, innovation, capacity...